Monday, 6 June 2011

FILMI DECOR: Wedding Event Planning Sets in Band Baaja Baraat

Band Baaja Baraat is about wedding planning and is a perfect film to watch if you need ideas and tips for any upcoming parties/mehndi nights/weddings that you need decor ideas for (although I would agree with one assertion by a character in the film that no matter how pretty a wedding looks, its the food that people will remember!) The film is full of luxurious fabrics, strings of fairy-lights and gorgeous hanging lanterns, flower arrangements and so much more, which give pretty inspiring ideas.

The first combination of colours and sets I would definitely look at is this wedding set-up which is designed in the film for a more 'higher class' of weddings, as I LOVE the colour co-ordination and the flowy fabrics:

Similarly, this white themed wedding look with the fairy lights strewn everywhere also really appealed to me. I also think the white hanging stars made the scene look really pretty:

But of course, the beauty of this film is also its vivacity of colour and its 'kitsch' and characteristic look.I love this tent of fairy lights and tinsel, which sounds quite tacky but actually is really colourful:

And of  course there are several other gorgeous looks in the film, such as this fairy-light covered canopy:

Not to mention this lovely, sparkling set which is meant to be the layout for a nikah:

The film has a heavy use of marigold garlands to decorate the sets, and a copious amount of fairy lights, but this is done fairly well to avoid it becoming too heavy or crowded. You can see the amount of  marigolds used here...!

I also liked this lime  green and gold with hanging pearls look here, which I think looked quite classy, complimented with traditional style sausage cushions and lovely glass lamps:

Not to mention this simple red-and-white flowers look here:

Lastly, I think that the one wedding set which really encompasses the spirit of the film and the vibrancy of the 'Shaadi Mubarak' is the one in the film's finale, which really goes all out:

All images owned by Yash Chopra Films

Sorry if I just gave away the film's ending for those of you who haven't seen the film's pretty obvious and we all saw it coming. I love the mad mix of colours that are going on here, the funky hangings and the colours lights, and I really think that although this is a bit disco-crazy, its also very pretty to look at and has the most spirit out of all the sets in this film. Hope this gave a few ideas to those of you looking for something new for a party!


  1. Film spoilers = very bad...but love the themes and whats a punjabi wedding without tinsel hanging off furniture, people and mendhi thaals?

  2. Hey if I hadn't told you, you would have probably read the film spoiler anyway :D

  3. Tremendous blog post, loads of beneficial information. I am about to show my buddies and ask them what they think.
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